Sunday, June 19, 2011

Social Story

 The behavior that will be the focus of my social story is aggression and transitions. J.J. has difficulty with a change in the classroom routines and teacher redirection.  He displays aggression when he is upset or when he is redirected to do an activity he doesn't want to do.The story will show J.J. different ways to handle changes in  his daily routine. The story will also focus on ways he can approach his peers and adults and various ways to express his needs and wants without aggression.


  1. This is great! I hope that your work with J.J. on handling changes will show growth in his social competence. I am sure that the strategies you work on with him will help him throughout his daily routine.

  2. What a great way to help J.J work on transitions! I hope your story will help him find ways to deal with these transitions and maybe he will think back on it when he comes to a situation that seems tense for him. Or, maybe he can be reminded of the story and how to handle it! Good luck!

  3. I think it is so important to work on his agressive behavior. It is sometimes very difficult for young children to adapt to a new environment. For many kids Pre-K is their first experience away from home and they do not always come prepared for new challenges. Good luck with your story! Rose
