Saturday, July 9, 2011

Task Analysis

I am choosing to teach my student about the importance of hand washing. Preschoolers should be encouraged to stay healthy everyday. My student has difficulty remembering to wash his hands after activities throughout the day. Washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds can help reduce germs and diseases from spreading among children and adults in the classroom. This is a day to day activity that children can do at school or at home. During circle time, I will discuss the importance of hand washing.
Discuss that washing and bathing prevents us from getting sick. Ask children when they need to wash our hands.
• before eating or touching food in any way (like if you're helping cook or bake)
• after using the bathroom
• after blowing your nose or coughing or putting your hands in your mouth
• after touching any pets or animals
• after playing outside
• after visiting a sick relative or friend
Then I will demonstrate to my focus child how to properly wash his hands by breaking down the task, step by step being sure to use pictures for each step. Using visuals will assist him with learning the process. Also I will use a fingerplay and a song to help him to remember each step.


  1. I like how you talk with your students and elicit their ideas to help them with tasks they do at home and at school. I believe visual displays are important at this young age and incorporating finger plays will help them to learn and retain the information they have learned. Good luck!

  2. I think this is a great thing to teach your study child, or any child for that matter! You're right, hand washig is so important, espcially among young children because germs are being spread like crazy! Good choice, hope it goes well!

  3. This is a great task to teach children. I have in my classroom posted the steps to handwashing near all of the sinks in the classroom. 1 Rinse, 2 Soap, 3 Wash, 4 Dry, 5 Turn Sink off with a paper towel. The pictures help children to 'read' what the sings say.
